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Showing posts from January, 2016

Wml/Xhtml Symbol Code

Use only the characters before the equal symbol, without space betwen them. & # 166 ; =¦ & # 982 ; =ϖ & # 240 ; =ð & # 169 ; =© & # 170 ; =ª & # 171 ; =« & # 172 ; =¬ & # 176 ; =° & # 177 ; =± & # 186 ; =º & # 187 ; =» & # 174 ; =® & # 189 ; =½ & # 162 ; =¢ & # 8482 ; =™ & # 8593 ; =↑ & # 8595 ; =↓ & # 8594 ; =→ & # 8596 ; =↔ & # 9829 ; =♥ & # 9827 ; =♣ & # 2022 ; = ; =¾

Wapka Support functions

Last updates Manager Follow : Admin mode → :: EDIT SITE (#) :: → Support → Last Update Manager In Last Update functionality, you can add / edit / delete the latest updates in your site. And you can read detailed instructions of list- update tags in the page of this function. File Maneger. From this suport you can see all your files uploaded, you can create directory, rename,move,remove your files. Also you can look up your total Memory which you can used for file uploads. You can directly upload picture,Videos and others from normal uploader but you may not be able to upload games and applications.. But dont worry you can still used URL uploader to upload games and Applications.. * How To Increase your MB - First thing is have a visitor to your site..! For each 1 visitor you will get 15 kb, if you have 200 Hits in one day that means your total MB will increase by 3mb. But 1 drowback, its the maximum limit that can be increase in one day.. - Second is try to have a referal user! For ea...

Wapka Setting Functions

*.Change Title You can change the title of every page using this feature.. See the page title of this page is 'Setting'. You can give the title name '0' this will automatically give the Page name as the title for each new page you created. You can also used thid HTML code to change title, but must put on the Wml/Xhtml code-<*html*><*head*><*title*>YOUR PAGE TITLE<*/ title*><*/head*><*/html*>dont forget to delete * from the code! And here is one feature.... If you wish to change the page address (used text instead of number i.e. Instead of/site_12.xhtmllike this/ site_download.xhtml), then you have to change the page name right there. Write only page name without 'site_' and '.xhtml' !! *.Add Autocontent From this function you can create the item that will automatically display on every page of your site. This contain Bottom and Top autocontent, you can design them seperately. Also you can disable them to a specific pa...

Wapka Ability Functions

*.Move With this function you can move your items to anywhere in your site! normal move are + and - , where + indicate moving up and - indicate move down. if you want to move to another site just go to Activate Multiple Moving Item, thats all. *.Delete with this function you can delete each of your item, make sure that you have delete the right item..cause you will not have it back! *.Edit This is the Most useful tool that you can Edit your Item anytime. But more function to edit is available from WAP2 *.Copy You also can copy your item to anywhere inside your site using this function

Wapka Ability Functions

*.Move With this function you can move your items to anywhere in your site! normal move are + and - , where + indicate moving up and - indicate move down. if you want to move to another site just go to Activate Multiple Moving Item, thats all. *.Delete with this function you can delete each of your item, make sure that you have delete the right item..cause you will not have it back! *.Edit This is the Most useful tool that you can Edit your Item anytime. But more function to edit is available from WAP2 *.Copy You also can copy your item to anywhere inside your site using this function

Wapka Basic Functions

1. New Page This is the tool for create a new page,ie the same page like your home page. If your create this, it will be blank and you can add/ edit anything there. And the first page url will be like thishttp:// 1.xhtmlif you wanna link to it from anywhere just put the above code or you want to link from your own site, then used this :site-1: for url of the LINK (explain below).. 2. New Link (Bookmark) this is the basic tool for creating a LINK weather it is inside your site or external site.. You can link to anywhere in the internet world! You need to specify the link name and the URL to link. 3. Text With this function you can add any text to your page, but no HTML tag can used here, though you still can used Wapka tags.. 4. Picture This function will help you to fast displaying or add a picture to your page, just go to it and read the instruction at the bottom of the page, if you dont have any picture hen you can upload it right from there.

Getting Started wapka

→ Getting Started Im going to Teach you the best way to create a wapka site, just follow these tutorials,, Hope you know where to create a site, so lets continue with . Before i forgot, used your own Email address to register, dont used a fake email, because you will need it to receive PIN CODE which is necessary to do any Important thing, and also in case you forgot your password. On the main page, before you enter first open the Setting page then TICK on the Allowed fast access to edit function and save it!! This option will help you in editing your site. if you want you can alse enable Premium program, but I wish you dont!! cause if you choose this option, an extra wapka advertisement will appear on the bottom of your page, and the chance to leave your site by a visitor will more, but you still can disable them for Admin mode! But if you want to create a downloading site and want to upload Files then this option is MUST!! Why?? Because in the beginning you have 200MB in ...

How to Create a Site

You can create the best and attractive site/Mobile site right from your mobile!! If your handset suport GPRS then it is easy to create a mobile site! And i just want to let you know that using mobile site you can earn much money , but its depends on how you did or your hardwork.. (Www.Wapka.Com) biggest web tutorial!Where To Create Here are some Mobile site Builder- (Recoment!) I recoment it because this is easy to understand and more functions for newbie. Totally FREE. XtGem is the BEST MOBILE site Builder!! But it is more harder than, thats why i recoment wapka. If you are experted wap/ webmaster you can go for, since it suport all features of script,php and more... Also you can select Domains like,,,, more This is also not much different from XtGem but main difference is that it doest allowed Adult content, strictly prohibited!! With this sit...