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Wapka Setting Functions

*.Change Title You can change the title of every page using this feature.. See the page title of this page is 'Setting'. You can give the title name '0' this will automatically give the Page name as the title for each new page you created. You can also used thid HTML code to change title, but must put on the Wml/Xhtml code-<*html*><*head*><*title*>YOUR PAGE TITLE<*/ title*><*/head*><*/html*>dont forget to delete * from the code! And here is one feature.... If you wish to change the page address (used text instead of number i.e. Instead of/site_12.xhtmllike this/ site_download.xhtml), then you have to change the page name right there. Write only page name without 'site_' and '.xhtml' !! *.Add Autocontent From this function you can create the item that will automatically display on every page of your site. This contain Bottom and Top autocontent, you can design them seperately. Also you can disable them to a specific page, just open Add autocontent from edit site and then you will see it..its all your choice.. *.Automatic Redirecting Automatic redirecting is a useful function that can sent user to any website or page when they open the page at which you set it to redirect. Why this is important?? Supose you design one page and you do not Hide it for user.. Then you can set Automatic redirecting for that page(just goto automatic redirecting from that page), then set the page or another website. Then when user trying to open that page, he will be redirect to your provide Url instead of opening that page.. *.Wap2 Now we reach the important part of wapka!! Wap2 is the setting for designing your page as well as your item, also it is more advance to edit item (by opening the item on the WAP2 page) You can set Class for every item differently or same class.. Just give 'TICK' to the items and set it with your Own Class from the bottom of the page. But what is Class?? If you are just starting you may not know how to design!! you can create classes right from the WAP2 page, this is used for designing a specific items i.e. giving different colour,Background colour, border and styling the borer and text.. But you can do all these feature by
tag if you are experted.. So you wanna expert?? Then go ahead you can learn right from this site.. And still more.. You can design the styles, content and forms for login, registration from This wap2 function.. *.Users Using this setting function you can set all statistics of users, item visibility and Protecting items. All feature of users are included in this feature.. Please see User Details for advance functions.. *.Global Setting From this global setting you can set all Global content for the whole site. You can set the Head tag, content for forums and chat, Friends function, Popup and Private Message.. And also from the 'OTHER' setting of the Global setting page you can remove the bottom link :=: and also cellphone emulator. When you open your site from PC,Laptop or computer you can see a Large image of Mobile, then if you wish to remove that you just disable cellphone emulator from here.


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