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How to Create a Site wapka

You can create the best and attractive site/Mobile site right from your mobile!! If your handset suport GPRS then it is easy to create a mobile site! And i just want to let you know that using mobile site you can earn much money , but its depends on how you did or your hardwork.. (Www.Wapka.Com) biggest web tutorial!Where To Create Here are some Mobile site Builder- (Recoment!) I recoment it because this is easy to understand and more functions for newbie. Totally FREE. XtGem is the BEST MOBILE site Builder!! But it is more harder than, thats why i recoment wapka. If you are experted wap/ webmaster you can go for, since it suport all features of script,php and more... Also you can select Domains like,,,, more This is also not much different from XtGem but main difference is that it doest allowed Adult content, strictly prohibited!! With this site builder, you can create your own files, javascript, css..and more features are available. Another wap builder, this site suport more than one site in one account To Start Creating a Site You Just Register To Any Of These Site!! So if you think of creating a site atleast for your personal site.. And your just starting I recoment ( and if you want you can go to others.. There are still another creator, you better look for google to see them.. But those i mention are most popular ste builder. Register Here To Start Your New Life !!«


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