In this tutorial I will show you how to
password protect your data, files etc in
wapka. User can only see them if they
have the password :)
Follow these steps to password protect
your data in wapka..
1. Login to your free wapka account
2. Goto Admin Mode
3. Add new page via ES > NEW PAGE
4. Now add the following code via ES >
WML/xHTML code
<form action=":getid-url:" method="get">Enter your Password to see the content<br />
<inout type="text" name="get-password"/><input type="submit" value="Validate" value="get-validation"/></form>
5. Now via ES > WML/xHTML code add
the following code
I was password protected but now I am alive!!
6. Goto ES > Users > Item Visibility
7. Now select the second code that we
have added in step 5 and click on g c
t l p u link
8. In the next page you will find 6
options, click URL GET variable this
will open new page
9. In the page you will see following
(Displayed in picture under post)
10. Now in variable field write get-
password and from is field select
the [=] is equal , after this in then
value write the password text that
you want to use for users, like
mango and orange or complex one
like e4z32s etc, in my example I will
write mypass
11. Now goto the page and check it in
user mode whether it worked or not.
12. If you like to hide the form if user
has entered the correct password
then you can set item visibility for
the item that we have created in
step 4, just change than value to
empty and thats it..
With this you can set passwords for
your contents and can tell password only
to the required user.. This can't be
hacked becasue all the background code
is based on PHP so checking source
won't help them to find the content :)
Try it and let us know to improve it..
How To Password Protect a Folder on Windows 10/8 - No Additional Software Required
ReplyDeleteIn this video, we will see how to Create Password Locked Folder In Windows 10/8. So we will see How to Lock Folders in Windows 10 without Software.
People always ask this question How do I password protect my files and folders in Windows? Today's video will finish all their questions and they will learn them completely.
Apurbo IT Services tips or secrets series may help you.